
focusing on strengthening relationships between parents and children.

children playing on a rug, drawing

Building more resilient children by building parenting skills

Workbook available now!

Do the work with us. Our 30 Days to More Mindful Parenting journal is the perfect place to start building better relationships with your children.

If you want to change the way you parent but it feels too overwhelming, take 15 minutes a day to explore your thoughts using our prompts.

This is one of the best ways to work with us--and it's on your time, affordable, and it lets you privately process things. When you're ready for more, we have plenty of material and individual coaching packages for you.

50+ Ways to Play With Your Kids

No one told you how hard it could be to play with your kids. We've taken the work out of it by putting together over 50 of our best activities for you and your kids. This book has it all--educational activities, parent-approved screen time, and even a few that don't require you to get off the couch.

can you handle it?

This might be the best page in our tantrum course. We talked about this prompt for over an hour, trying to figure out how exactly

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Silver members get access to workshops, webinars, and interviews, discounts on coaching packages and courses, and office hours with us–a direct line to us for support for individual concerns! You can connect with us anytime.

Looking for a specific course on parenting, education, or youth sports? When you purchase one of our courses, your Gold membership also comes with all of the benefits of a Silver level membership. 


Our Platinum members are as committed as we are. This exclusive level of membership unlocks all access to all of our materials for parenting, education, and youth sports–all courses, workshops, webinars, and content!


Organizations that are interested in one or more of our courses can receive discounts based on the number of memberships they purchase. The larger the number of members, the lower the cost of each individual course–and your members get discounts on our other material.


Our Setting Expectations workshop provides you with practical parenting skills for setting expectations with your children. So many conflicts come from unmet expectations, but when we dig, we find that the expectation may not have been clearly communicated… or even reasonable to begin with. This 20-minute workshop will give you plenty of things to consider about setting expectations and reducing conflict in your home. For Silver and Platinum members only.

Free resources

holiday help

behaviors around the holidays are totally normals. here are a few tips to help your family make it through.

sibling fights

it's extremely frustrating, but we can help.

trouble with teams

a few ways you can support a child who struggles with organized sports.

building independence

ideas for little things you can do to help your young children become more independent.

Parent Coaching Packages

We provide individualized parent coaching packages, designed to help you build the skills you need to feel confident in your parenting abilities.

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