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Category: Youth Sports

Declining Enrollment in Youth Sports

by ANDREA LEGGETT Youth sports have seen children, families, and communities through many life-changing world events since their inception in the US. The Great Depression, several wars, natural disasters, national tragedies like 9/11, and, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. Many industries are seeing recovery and a slow return to normal, but youth sports participation continues

Rising Costs of Youth Sports

by ANDREA LEGGETT Inflation is in the news a lot these days, and youth sports aren’t immune to its effects. When families need to tighten up financially, leisure activities are usually the first to go–which, for some families, means not signing up for a season (or more). We know all the things sports offer that

supporting the sibling who isn’t playing.

by ANDREA LEGGETT One part of youth sports that doesn’t get talked about enough is the way one child’s participation affects the other children in the family. Practices in the evening, early morning games (and all day tournaments), traveling to events, and the overall amount of energy that goes toward this commitment can be draining

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