Parent coaching for you and your family

Our parenting skills coaching packages provide you with individualized coaching to move toward specific goals.

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You might not need 1:1 parenting coaching with us right now, but you still want to work on your parenting skills at your own pace. Become member of our online platform and receive access to workshops, courses, interviews, and more.

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Parent coaching: don't "go it alone."

Conflict in the family can rob the home of peace. If you find that your family members spend more time isolated in their rooms or giving each other the silent treatment than laughing around the dinner table and planning vacations, it can be exhausting and heart-breaking. And if you don't know where to start, allow us to partner with your family and rebuild the joy in your home.

How We Can Support


Support through role-playing, self-care practice, and helping you get organized for the process.
Logistical support to help you figure out your finances, where you'll live, how you'll retire, and how to start your new chapter.
Prepping you for how to talk to your kids about divorce and separation.
Helping you build your professional support system to make sure you're adequately represented.


Setting new boundaries to support the changing relationships.
Discussing different parenting styles, how to address disagreements and conflict, and how to handle time when kids are at the other parent's home.
Supporting kids when they are sad, confused, upset, or need extra love.
Tackling specific issues such as which school district to choose, how to introduce new partners, and making big decisions.

Parenting Skills

Handling behaviors like tantrums, talking back, defiance, school refusal, and more.
Helping you support a child who is anxious or depressed.
Facilitating hard conversations you need to have but aren't sure how to start.
Helping you build routines, set appropriate expectations, and build relationship skills.
Helping you learn about your parenting philosophy and rewire some of your brain's ideas about parenting and children.

Neurodivergent Parenting

Helping you prepare for the education system and ensuring you feel adequately represented and able to advocate for your child.
Working with you to adjust your expectations and build skills around parenting a child who parenting books didn't prepare you for.
Helping you truly find joy in connecting with your unique, beautiful child.
Connecting you with the right folks and networks for your family's needs.

Teen Skills

Supporting teens who are experiencing major life changes such as parents' divorce, choosing a college, and preparing for adulthood.
Working with teens to help them identify their core values and explore how they show up in their lives.
Navigating complex relationship dynamics and changing friendships.
Discussing school-related concerns and goals.


Helping you improve communication skills with each other.
Identifying specific goals and creating actionable plans to achieve them.
Facilitating problem solving conversations in an environment that allows both parties to feel heard.
Helping you identify your personal core values, your long-term goals as a couple, and the support you both need.
Creating plans to evaluate your relationship health in the moment and ongoing.
We also provide consultations.

If you're looking for support training staff in the classroom, redesigning a program for your company, or finding some direction for an idea you have, get in touch with us and we will see how we can help.

If It's Not Listed Here

Reach out to us, anyway. We create individualized packages for clients and if we aren't the right fit, we will direct you to someone who is.

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